About Us

About Us

Devanti Foundation is a private foundation incorporated in the State of Maharashtra. The purpose of the foundation is to fund several charitable causes. Our principles and philosophy, derived from the value system of Needy peoples, May be succinctly summarized as:

  • Devanti Foundation helps those who are less fortunate than yourself
  • Support causes related to the acquisition of knowledge (both materialistic and non-materialistic)
  • Preserve the heritage and knowledge that has already been acquired

The reopening of academes is a step in the right direction as it’ll help scholars learn in the physical classroom terrain, while relating formerly again with their musketeers and preceptors.

As further countries decide tore-open seminaries, all stakeholders must come together to make the Devanti Foundation will help poor scholars back to classrooms, Devanti foundation continues help to poor and indigent peoples in Mumbai, Devanti Foundation funds a limited number of systems every time. We’re always looking for new and deserving causes to support. Devanti Foundation prefers specific systems that have measurable deliverables ( rather than general backing) and prefers associations that follow strict account practices. Our preference is for finances to go directly towards the program being funded, rather than towards executive costs. This order addresses the preservation of the terrain we live in. The Earth sustains us and provides for us, and we need to save and nurture it for our sake and for the sake of unborn generations.

Our thing is to fulfill our responsibility by taking care of the terrain we live in Systems under this order include clean water operation enterprise, planting trees, and other similar conditioning. This order addresses the inequalities faced by people who don’t have access to the most introductory of mortal rights. The standard of living moment varies, by several orders of magnitude, between the most and least fortunate of people, and there are numerous people for whom indeed introductory material requirements aren’t met. Our pretensions are to ameliorate the lives of these people and give them the tools to break out of the cycle of poverty they live in. Systems in this order include furnishing food and sanctum to vulnerable populations (orphanages, old age homes); adding children’s access to education; perfecting the educational terrain; empowering women & children;

Perfecting pastoral health issues; and, generally, uplifting underprivileged communities. Devanti Foundation is a registerednon-governmental association that was started by a group of youthful professionals including croakers, masterminds, scientists and businessmen who are passionate about colorful causes and believed they would make a difference to the lives of deprived people through their cooperative sweats. After working in colorful capacities across different associations, we realized that our sweats weren’t percolating down to the grassroots situations of society for a sustainable and continued benefit to the depressed people.

Well-drafted operation and vision statements can inspire people to engage with your association and earn a well- allowed-out place on your website. While the assignment and/ or vision statement may show up in other places on the point, it’s a good idea to give the two a home of their own where callers can learn more in depth about what the current and coming goals are for your nonprofit.

Our Vision

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Our Mission

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Our Blog

Our daily blog will make you aware of how good things can be done and what are the challenges people facing in the world.